Friday, April 29, 2011

How To Improve Golf Swing With These 3 Easy Tips

In this article we will go over a few "quick fixes" to improve your golf swing. After reading this article you'll know exactly what to do to drive the ball farther, straighter and more accurately next time you're on the course.

First I'll tell you about these three quick fixes... and finally I'll let you in on the "ultimate secret" to performing perfect golf swings, every single time!
When trying to improve your golf swing, the first thing to realize is that the most important part of any golf swing is the set up.

This starts with your feet. Position your feet around shoulder width apart. Depending on if you have a longer or a shorter club you might need to adjust with a slightly wider or narrower stance. However, you should not move more than the width of one foot in either direction.
A lot of people tend to point their left foot slightly to the left as they set themselves up for the swing. Don't do this, as it prevents you from following through properly in the rotation of your swing... which brings me to the next point...

The biggest mistake I see people make is the position of their spines.
Your entire swing revolves around your spine, literally. It serves as an axis.
So, keep your spine straight throughout the entire swing. I cannot stress this enough. It is absolutely vital (have you seen how things tend to rotate on a bent axis?)

Finally, pay attention to your grip. The club should lie at the base to the middle joints of your fingers. Not in the hands. You position the clubs in the fingers, then simply close your palms around the club.

Use a firm but relaxed grip on the club. If you grip it too hard or too softly, you will rotate it slightly either to the left or to the right.

Alright... now, what's that big secret?

It's funny, because this is true of nearly every single sport on the planet.

Here it is: Relax.

If you can remove all the tension in your golf swing, I can guarantee you better, smoother, longer swings every single time.

To get more great tips on How to Improve your Golf Swing click here.

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